Changelog - 06.08.2024

Changelog - 06.08.2024

  • added a new legendary item - bag of wonders ๐Ÿ’ฐ!
  • added a new rare item - flashlight ๐Ÿ”ฆ!
  • the launch points now rotates in the dircetion that the player aims ๐Ÿ”„,
  • for coin wings added random offset for animation as well as speed (different for x and y axis) ๐ŸŽฒ,
  • added a little plus in shield on the respawn upgrade โ—ฝ,
  • added "???" in levels page as a placeholder for a future level ๐Ÿ“›.

The flashlight item will be more useful in the future levels that will have more dark environment. Flashlight also interacts with some obstacles; slows down fireballs, scares ghosts away and disables skulls while being shined at. Also, i dont know if the magnet pick up's rarity should be increased as the bag of wonders makes it more powerful... As of now there are total of 12 items ๐ŸŽ†.

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